Sep 9, 2018

Isekai NEET V1 Epilogue

Epilogue - Not Working, As Always

And returning to Reiji’s room in Tistel Castle.

“Ah, so tired, so tired.”

Reiji fell onto his bed immediately.

Tifalycia could not hold back her mutter.


“Hmm? About what?”

The NEET pretended not to know.

Tifalycia shouted.

“Didn’t you say that you won’t come! Leaving it all to me alone!!”


Everything had been arranged from the start.

Tifalycia’s speech, the timing for Reiji to appear.

He probably predicted everything.

How the meeting would flow, what Tifalycia would say there.

......The shouting probably released some stress, and she soon felt like crying.

Tifalycia desperately held back her tears, while Reiji was calm.

“Ah that. ──Sorry?”

“Be serious!!”

Seeing Tifalycia honestly retorting and finally suppressed her tears, Reiji smirked as if asking what was strange about it and then spoke.

“Well, ain’t it fine? It went well.”

“It’s not fine! In that case, please tell me about it from the start!!”

“Ha, you don’t get it......”

His gesture of shrugging shoulders greatly irritated her.

“Won’t there be no meaning if they suspected that it was an act? Deceive your ally first before deceiving your enemy.”

“That idea is human trash itself. As expected of Master.”

Leu added without any trace of emotion, Reiji replied “You actually hate me, don’t you......?”

“Originally, I planned to appear handsomely when Tifa screwed up and failed, then use my super cool speech to clear up all the problems at once.”

“What meaning is there......”

“Won’t it be an impressive performance?”



Tifalycia held her doubt, Reiji then immediately continued.

“People will be affected by the thing known as atmosphere of the situation even when they are listening to pointless words. They can notice the problem instantly if they thought again. Conversely, if you can deceive them for even an instance, the performance will receive the best result. ──Now then, what can you do in that important instance?”

He showed his unique smile which he used when scheming.

At the same time as Tifalycia saw that smile, she answered in reflex.

“Contract under Great Contract Magic......!”

Contract under it did not need permanent agreement. As long as one thought 『That’s right』, the contract would be established on that instant, it was sufficient.

For that sake, Reiji considered the most impressive performance──

“Then, I......messed up your plan?”

“Let’s see. It’s the best result beyond my expectation.”


“That’s that. Whew, to think that you dare to criticize them like that before the Rulers of all the races.”

Reiji smirked, Tifalycia remembered what she she had done.

When she thought about it again ── hadn’t she just spoken some very incredible things?

Even though the Ruler of 「Elf」 was also there.

“Uu......I am starting to feel embarrassed now.”

Tifalycia hugged her head and reconsidered.

At least her past self would absolutely not do something like that──

After thinking up to there.

She noticed.

──She did something her past self would

That meant, in other words ── she improved?

──Your strength ── No, please teach me your technique!

Tifalycia had once requested the Hero known as Reiji.

That wish.

Was being granted──?

When Tifalycia thought so.

The person himself was sprawled on the bed and he muttered lazily.

“Well, 「Infirma」 is liberated, what will happen next? Alright, I will do my best to rest.”

......Taking back the previous words.

It was her imagination.

That Hero was purely moving for his own sake, and the result just coincidentally aligned with Tifalycia.

......Even so, it was a really a great help.

Tifalycia heaved a sigh, and stared at Reiji again after recollecting herself.

“Nothing is over yet! Please work as the Hero!”

Not with just her words, Tifalycia reached out her hand towards Reiji on the bed.

“......Fuun? Then, let’s decide with a「Showdown」. Whether I will work as the Hero.”

Reiji smirked and curved his lips challengingly.

At those words, Tifalycia held back on  immediately answering “Just what I wanted!”.

“............Depending on the condition.”

Tifalycia cautiously told him.

Reiji opened his eyes wide.

──This world is...the best.

Magic and Hero, and then...

Glaring at the girl before his eyes, Reiji slowly got up.

“Then, let’s start with deciding on those conditions──”

The existence of the most interesting disciple caused a smile to form from his heart.


  1. I like cunning MC that can mock but also back up what he do

    Thx FOr CHApTER!!!

  2. Thanks for doing this epilogue!😊

  3. Thx for the epilogue, wish you will still continue this series... Ty... I'm anonymous...

  4. Thanks for the novel. May I know when will you start translating volume 2?

  5. Thx for this chapter
    Still wait for Volume 2
