Kanata Age is a young man who lives on the floating wizard academy city of “Mystogan.” He was once celebrated as the “Black Master Swordsman,” the elite ace of the S128 special team; however, he is now despised as the “traitor of the special team.” One day, he is assigned as the instructor of E601, a team that has suffered ten consecutive defeats. E601 has three girls—Misora Whitale, Lecty Eisenach, and Rico Flamel—with one or two peculiar quirks.
Translator: Sora
Ice Phantom
Kanata Age is a young man who lives on the floating wizard academy city of “Mystogan.” He was once celebrated as the “Black Master Swordsman,” the elite ace of the S128 special team; however, he is now despised as the “traitor of the special team.” One day, he is assigned as the instructor of E601, a team that has suffered ten consecutive defeats. E601 has three girls—Misora Whitale, Lecty Eisenach, and Rico Flamel—with one or two peculiar quirks.
Translator: Sora
Ice Phantom
yay frozen-sama is planning to tl this series
ReplyDeleteNo, it's Sora.
DeleteHope you keep translating this series, looking forward to this story
ReplyDeletenow do the pdf faggot, nah just kidding thanks for the translation hope you can translate the next volume without a hitch
ReplyDeleteThanks for translating this was hoping for someone to pick this up
ReplyDeleteThanks for the translation !
ReplyDeleteThank you for the translation!!! I was looking for this... btw is there a pdf available???
ReplyDeleteWhy is it stalled? :(
ReplyDeleteWill you continue translating please, I really like this LN.
Thank you very much for translating.😁😁😁 (Keep trying)
ReplyDeleteThanks for translating - I hope you continue this. I really like this LN (have been looking for it ever since I read the manga+watched the anime)...
ReplyDeleteWill you start this up again? :(
ReplyDeleteWhile i was learning saijaku s plot and its sain fic, i noticed kuusen madoushi in "similar (related) article". I was amazed how much the info from LN is and how clear the INFOs are. even though ppl had recited and rated it as "trash", they said stuffs is the writer seriously making those insect as the archenemies? Why doesnt he create enemies who are more liflike?
ReplyDeleteIt s like you insult another stories whose the enemies are quite same, for instance saijaku bahamut s abysses. If i were to insult
did abysses play the role of archenemies? The answer is NO at all. It is not explained yet, has AOT explained the circumstance and history outside island already? 4 cours is far from enough to explain theme, people still be following because they love levi, mikasa and strong ppl. Some novels, animes, etc areutterly awful if you dont follow theme at least for 3/2 cour.
Theme (incorrect)>>>> them
DeleteHope translation will be restarted one day. I really like this title. May be it's time to learn Japanese?(
ReplyDeleteDo you happen to know if anyone started translating this series again??
DeleteWill the other volumes get translated? One day perhaps or never?